Cloud Seekers Club Regulations (preliminary regulations) needs vote for completion.

Article I, General


1.1            Compliance with Regulations.    Members must comply with all applicable FAA, State and local regulations, as well as with the Bylaws, Flight Regulations, and applicable insurance company policies of the Club in connection with all of their activities relating to the Club.


1.2       Copies of Regulations.    A current copy of these Flight Regulations shall be placed in the corporate records of the Club, in Club aircraft, and on the Club Web Site.


1.3       Changes to Flight Rules.    Changes to these Flight Regulations shall be approved by a majority of the Members present at a meeting duly called and convened in accordance with the Bylaws; provided, however, that the Board of Directors may establish, revise, revoke, amend or otherwise alter one or more of these Flight Regulations if they determine that such a change is necessary or desirable and that the delay required to obtain the approval of the Members would adversely affect the Club.  Any change so adopted will be referred to the Members for approval as described above at the next regular or special meeting of the Members.


1.4       Use of Defined Terms.    Unless the context requires otherwise, terms used herein that are defined in the Federal Aviation Regulations (“FAR’s”) have the meanings so ascribed to them.  The term “Club CFI” means a Club member who is also a CFI or CFII.


Article II, Flight Operations


2.1       Use of Club Aircraft.    Club aircraft are to be used for the personal enjoyment and transportation of Members and their passengers.  Club aircraft may not be used for any of the following activities:






2.2            Compliance with Operating Procedures.    Each Member is responsible for knowing and complying with FARs, Club Regulations and Bylaws and manufacturer’s operating procedures for each Club aircraft he or she flies.

2.3            Command of Club Aircraft.    The aircraft shall be operated in flight except under the command of one of the following who meets all of the applicable requirements of Article IV of these Rules:



2.4       Flight Instruction.    A CFI who is also a Member (“Club CFI”) may give instruction in the Club Aircraft for which he or she is eligible to act as pilot in command.  An approved non-Member CFI may provide flight instruction in Club aircraft only to Members who are Student Pilots or are authorized to act as Pilot In Command of the aircraft being used as provided in Section 2.3 and only in connection with the following activities:


·        New/additional ratings;


·        New or additional certificates;


·        Flight Reviews;


·        Instrument Proficiency Checks; and


·        Wings Program.



2.4.1    CFI’s, whether Members or not, shall provide only that instruction in Club aircraft they are qualified to provide under applicable FAA regulations.

2.4.2    Club aircraft checkouts and annual proficiency check rides shall be performed only by Club CFIs.

2.4.3    Members shall use only those approved CFIs listed on the club's web site; however, Members may nominate non-listed CFIs in accordance with section 2.5.

2.4.4    Members are strongly encouraged, but not required, to use a CFI who is covered by CFI insurance.  If the CFI is not a Club member, his/her CFI insurance policy should include a non-owner aircraft clause.

2.4.5    The club web site shall identify those CFIs who have voluntarily provided the webmaster with their CFI insurance information (if applicable) and expiration date, in order to assist the membership in determining which CFIs have CFI insurance coverage.  The webmaster shall not publish such information without permission from the CFI.

2.5       CFI Approval Process.  Any member may nominate any CFI for club approval and listing on the web site via the following process:


2.5.1    Member actions:


·        Arrange for the CFI to interview with any two Club CFIs who will decide whether to approve the nominated CFI based on the candidate's experience level, ratings, accident history, and attitude, with a bias also as to whether the candidate is covered by CFI insurance with a non-owner aircraft clause (recommended, but not absolutely required for club approval).


2.5.2    CFI candidate action:


2.5.3    Board Action:

2.5.4    Club Officer actions if the non-Club CFI is approved:

2.5.5    Nothing in Section 2.5 to 2.5.5 shall preclude the requirement that Club aircraft checkouts and proficiency checkrides be performed only by Club-member CFIs (see 2.4.2)

2.6            Unauthorized Maneuvers.    Club aircraft shall not be used for maneuvers or any flights of a competitive nature, such as full throttle racing, which may impose unusual strain on the aircraft and/or its systems.

2.7       Trips Away from Base.    A Member taking a Club aircraft on trips away from the home base of that aircraft are responsible for the safe return of that aircraft to its home base.  Members landing at other airports are responsible for airport/runway selection in light of aircraft capability, load, runway and weather conditions, as well as pilot experience and present competency.  Members should perform a RISK ASSESSMENT in conjunction with, or prior to, their pre-flight.  This should include the following considerations;

1)      RUNWAY selection, conditions, and pilot proficiency requirements.

2)      AIRPORT ENVIRONMENT/APPROACH conditions and pilot proficiency requirements.

When the risks and unknowns appear higher than normal, members should be certain that they have the proficiency required to operate at applicable airports(s).  Members are strongly encouraged to utilize Club or specialty CFI to assess such risks and reduce them to an acceptable level with regard to both personal safety and aircraft integrity.


2.8       Refueling.    Whenever practical, Club aircraft should have their fuel tanks topped at the end of each flight.

2.9       Smoking.    Smoking in any form is prohibited the Club aircraft at all times.


Article III, Non Flight Operations

 3.1            Contracting for Maintenance and Repairs.    No Member may contract for significant maintenance or repair work on Club aircraft without prior approval of the Maintenance Officer, except in an emergency.  The Maintenance Office must be notified as soon as possible when emergency repairs are contemplated or have been performed.

 3.2       Reports of Malfunctions and other Discrepancies.    Members are responsible for reporting immediately to the Maintenance Officer, Plane Captain or Board member any damage or malfunction affecting safety of flight which occurred before, during or after a flight and to see that such information is logged in the aircraft flight log and visually placarded when appropriate.

 3.3       Securing of Club Equipment.    Members using Club aircraft or equipment are responsible for properly securing it when leaving it unattended.


Article IV, Pilot in Command


4.1            Authority to Act as Pilot In Command.    No person shall act as pilot in command of a Club aircraft unless such person is authorized so to act under this Article IV.

 4.2          Requirements Applicable to All Pilots In Command.    No person shall act as pilot in command of any Club aircraft unless he or she:

All pilots exceeding 65 years of age must have in their possession a valid FAA Medical Certificate issued within the preceding 12 calendar months.  All pilots exceeding 70 years of age must have in their possession a valid FAA Medical Certificate issued within the preceding 6 calendar months. 

4.3            Requirements Applicable to Members.    No Member shall act as pilot in command of a Club aircraft unless:



For good cause, the Board of Directors may, at any time, require any Member to take a proficiency flight check or other examination and may revoke the Member’s qualification to act as pilot in command of the aircraft pending successful completion of such flight check or examination

 The Board of Directors may suspend the scheduling and flying privileges of any member who: 

(a)        Has accumulated an account more than 60 days in arrears, or;

(b)        Is no longer current with respect to FAA required Flight Review and/or

Medical Certificate requirements.


4.4            Requirements Applicable to Non-Members.    A non-Member shall not act as pilot in command of a Club aircraft unless:



A non-Member’s authority to act as Pilot in Command may be revoked at any time for any reason by an appropriate Club Officer or Board of Directors.


4.5            Experience Requirements for Certain Aircraft.    No Member shall be eligible to take a check ride or to act as pilot in command of the following Club aircraft unless such Member has at least the following experience:

Club Cessna 172:    Minimum of (10) hours flight instruction if less than (100) hours aircraft total flight time.  Otherwise, a minimum of (5) hours flight instruction.  Recent Cessna 172 flight time may be considered.

4.6            Experience Requirements for CFI’s.  CFI’s instructing in Club aircraft are required to meet the minimum aircraft flight time requirements:


Experience Requirement

Fixed Gear

Total Time

500 Hours

Retractable Time


Time in Make & Model

10 Hours & Check Out


4.7       General Currency Requirements.    No Member shall act as Pilot in Command of a Club aircraft unless he or she meets the following currency requirements before acting as pilot in command in that make and model:



·        During the preceding (90) days, the Member shall have logged either (5) hours as pilot in command of any airplane or completed a checkout by a club Club CFI in make and model. If the above requirement is met by dual instruction, a signoff by the instructor shall also be required.


4.8       Currency Requirements for Certain Aircraft.    No Member shall act as pilot in command of the following aircraft unless he or she meets the applicable currency requirements set forth below:

 Cessna 172:   (1) hour as pilot in command of an aircraft of the same or a substantially identical make and model during the preceding (90) days and a proficiency check in the Club C-172 with a Club CFI within the preceding (12) months.

Currency requirements in certain aircraft may also be satisfied by adherence to the following only if the pilot has five (5) or more hours as pilot in command of any aircraft within the previous 90 days and:

a)      To fly C-172, the pilot has one (1) hour of currency in the C-172 within the last 90 days and has one (1) hour of currency in the C-172 within the last 12 months.


4.9            Reestablishing Currency.    A Member whose currency has lapsed with respect to any aircraft may reestablish currency in that aircraft by taking and passing a checkride with a Club CFI.


4.10          Proficiency Check.  For the purposes of this document, any of the following counts as a proficiency check in a specific Club aircraft:


a.       An explicit proficiency check ride with a Club CFI.

b.      An aircraft check-out with a Club CFI.

c.       An Airperson’s FAA rating in the aircraft.

d.      A Biannual Flight Review (BFR) in the aircraft.

e.       A recurrency flight with a Club CFI, if the Club CFI so includes this in the sign-off.

f.        Written evidence presented to the Club, signed by a CFI, signifying the accomplishment of any of the above.


Article V, Flight Reservations


5.1       Long Reservations.    From June 1st through September 30th (the “Flying Season”), reservations that cover more than (7) consecutive days will require the prior approval of the Board of Directors.  Reservations for more than (14) days may not begin on a Sunday,  to preclude encroachment on a third consecutive weekend.


5.2       Multiple Uncompleted Reservations.    During the Flying Season, no Member shall have pending/uncompleted more than (8) reservations which include (2) or more adjacent-day reservations, partial or otherwise, with the following exception: after any Thursday noon, an additional multi-day reservation not exceeding (5) days may be made, provided that it terminates prior to the following Thursday.


5.3       Use of Reservation System.    All flights in Club aircraft require a flight reservation through the Club’s Flight Reservation System.  The Club's Flight Reservation System can be found on this Web Site on the Calendar portion.  All flights include spontaneous flights which can be added to the Club's Flight Reservation System just prior to flight.  This will allow for mandatory check of reservation calendar so that there is no walkover of the reservation. 


5.4            Cancellations.    Reservation cancellations should occur as soon as possible, whether due to flight cancellation or early return.  No-show uncancelled scheduling may result in Member billing at Club cancellation rates.   More than (3) non condition related cancellations shall be allowed per month.  On the 4th cancellation the club member will be billed a total of 1 hour tac time .


5.5       Delays.    When a Member is unable to return a Club aircraft as scheduled, the following scheduled pilot, Plane Captain, and Maintenance Officer should be notified as soon as possible.  Delay and reason should be entered into the Club's Flight Reservation System.  Non entered delays will result in 1 hour of tac time charge for each day not entered into the Club's Flight Reservation System.

5.6            Minimum Hours.    During the Flying Season,  if a Member schedules an aircraft for a period in excess of (1) day, a minimum of (1) hour’s flight time will be billed for each (24) hour period during weekdays, and a minimum of (2) hours will be billed for each (24) hour period during weekends and holidays.


Article VI,  Charges


6.1            Membership Equity and Regular Charges.    Provisions relating to membership interests and monthly dues are set forth in the Bylaws.


6.2       Hourly Rates.    From time to time, the Board of Directors shall determine and approve hourly rates for the use of each Club aircraft and such rates shall be charged to all Members, except as specifically addressed in the Bylaws.  Except where otherwise clearly indicated, hourly rates are “wet” and based on tach time.  Members purchasing and paying for gas, oil or other consumables related to the operation of Club aircraft are entitled to a credit against hourly rates upon presentation of appropriate documentation to the Treasurer.  Member who used the Club plane prior to clamed "non wet" condition of plane will be charged the receipts to bring plane to ready to use "wet" conditon plus one hour tach time.


6.3       Other Operating Costs.    Oxygen system refills and normal non-home based airport charges and fees are the personal responsibility of the Member.  Abnormal circumstances and needs relating to aircraft protection and maintenance will be dealt with on an individual basis by the Board of Directors.

 6.4            Reasonable Delays.    A Member will not be charged for a reasonable delay in returning an aircraft when the delay is due to weather conditions and/or circumstances beyond the Member’s control.  Subsequent retrieval costs, if any, will be the Member’s responsibility.


6.5       Credits to Certain Members.    At this time no credits will be allowed for club members.  If club members utilize their own money for Club Plane and hanger costs, receipts may be paid for by check from the club's account.

 6.6       Late Fees.  Effective September 1, 2009, any member whose account is more than 90 days in arrears shall be assessed a late fee of $100 a month. 

6.7        Minimum Dues.  Effective September 1, 2009, each member shall be assessed a minimum of $50 (6 member) $55 (5 member) a month in dues. 


6.8      Certain Actions Against Club Members.  The Club shall have authority to assess any member for damages or losses to Club Property, if that member, at the time of the damage or loss, is not qualified or authorized to act as Pilot in Command by operation of the FARs, Club By-Laws, Club Insurance requirements or Club Regulations.  The Club may bring legal action to enforce any assessment authorized by this paragraph.